Parish Care

“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” Acts 20:28

Our Care Ministry exists to provide pastorial care and comfort to our congregation as needed. This can be in the form of bringing communion to a member who is sick and unable to attend our church service in person, praying blessings over a newborn and parents, praying with an individual who is sick, or praying for any other circumstances needing prayer, be it for a need or a thanksgiving.

Care Teams

Meals Team

Our meal teams provide meals for parishioners in times of need. Contact our Parish Administer for more information or if you have a need.

Service Projects

The Service Projects team seeks to serve our community and parish by providing practical help to those in need.

Celebrations Team

The Celebration Team celebrates and recognizes special milestones in the lives of our parishioners. 

Prayer Team

Our Prayer Team meets weekly to confidentially pray over the needs of our church and its individual parishioners. These needs are also prayed over during the week by the individual members of the team.

Pastoral Care

We have three Care Minsiters available to provide in home pastoral care. Contact Maria for further information.

All of our Ministries operate as a team and serve the needs of our parish in practical and spiritual ways. If you are interested in like more information contact our Parish Administrator.