Children’s Ministry
“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
Our Children's Ministry seeks to come alongside and encourage families as our children grow in their knowledge of God and experience the love found in Jesus Christ.
On Sunday mornings, we provide childcare in our nursery for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers from the start of the worship service through the Passing of the Peace. Children's Church is offered for elementary school age children during part of the service. Children are taught the Gospel using the God's Big Story curriculum. All children rejoin their families during the Passing of the Peace so we can celebrate the Eucharist together.
Safety is a top priority, and we abide by the Protection of Children Policies set by our diocese. All volunteers and staff supervising children are screened and trained.
If you have any questions or would like any additional information, contact Danielle Barger.
Upcoming Events
In addition to Sunday worship opportunities, other events are offered for children and families several times a year and are posted on our Facebook page and included in our weekly newsletter.
Children’s Choir
Kids' Choir will sing during the Lessons & Carols service on December 20th.
Caroling at Edgeworth Park Memory Care on December 22nd at 3:30 PM.